Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 7 (Jan. 19): "Snow is falling all around. 7 o'clock and the roads are blocked."

ANSWER: In order to cut wind resistance, a cyclist may use this air pocket to draft on another rider, saving about 30% of his energy.

-Day Seven-

After unceremoniously falling asleep after loading a bunch of videos to watch on my iPod, I noticed that it was about 6:40 AM. Quite an improvement over yesterday's 5 AM, which began kicking in early in the afternoon. Still, too early to assume that anyone was up. I connected my iPod to the charger, sat on the floor, and killed a morning with plenty of Sundance coverage from Matt Patches and Katey Rich, the next Stargrove Vlog, and Operation Kino. After a shower, I had another one of those bland realizations that I was up well before the world was. Instead of worrying people with the possibility of waking up in the six o'clock hour, I just called it seven, which sounds better on the resume.
For those that skipped out on yesterday's blog, I figured that I would inform you that it snowed. In reality, according to the natives, it isn't an impressive blanket of snow, but enough to make me excited. However, Alex lusted for a heavier blanket of snow just to show me how much more beautiful it was. Also, Viv is getting concerned that I am not staying warm. For anyone that sympathizes with her cause, do know that I wear layers and am staying fairly warm.
However, because of the snow, today was just going to be a simple day. Get up, walk around town, and hopefully find something nice to look at. After a very uneventful morning in which we watched a documentary about the IRA invading England (which lead to a history of modern English bombings as told by Viv), we set out to see what Rye covered in white snow looks like. As of this writing, I will say that today's weather makes it look wimpy, but I did like the idea that snow covered the grass out on Pedo Point. Alex, being the tourist, took pictures of EVERYTHING covered in snow. Reminder, today's blanket of snow is going to look much more gorgeous.
We stopped along the way to look at shops, including a place where I discovered what Bath Bombs are. I still am not entirely sure what they are, but after a morning of IRA conversations, I could only think it was a literal bomb in your bath. I am assuming it involves an explosion of aroma. We also met Viv's friend Jack. Alex messed with merchandise in her store, claiming that the signs said that they were available to try out. It was a fun day, though the amount of time spent looking at haberdashery was a little gratuitous. Oh, the lengths that you go to impress family.
We stopped by the church as well. This time, we walked around the ground level, in which I discovered one considerable culture difference. Signs are in English, German, and French. Quite odd to walk everywhere and not see something in Spanish, but this dynamic makes much more sense. Besides the Germans at the airport, I haven't had too much experience with foreign languages over here. I must admit that after being surrounded by a Spanish speaking public in Long Beach, I do kind of mix that culture shock, even though the British culture is already "shock" enough. The first few days were quite an adjustment and I feel like I am finally getting to that point where I can enjoy everything. Not to say that I haven't already, but it takes awhile to accept that you are even in a different country when you are staying in a village that may have a novelty version back at home.
The church was nice and Alex went about taking pictures. After awhile, we took to sitting around just taking it in. A brief chat about religion later, we had to leave to meet up with Viv at the Apothecary. Oddly, I forgot that Apothecary and phrenology were related, so I was wondering why diagrams were on display. Also, it was a trip to see the ceiling covered in comics. At this point, it is hard to really judge architecture, as most pubs here look too similar to really say specificity. I mostly judge by employee service, and even that is expectedly pleasant.
We just sat around talking. We discovered that Viv doesn't know how to take pictures on a touch screen phone. There briefly existed pictures of me in a very candid manner. I even got to hear Alex's entire story about how he fainted on a plane. Not quite what I was expecting, but it did eat up a lot of time and was rather amusing to hear the new facts arise. We planned the next few days and eventually said adios to head back to the house.
On the way back, we stopped by this art gallery that had a pretty odd picture. It featured a shot of Tintin from the waist up without a shirt on. I felt it sexualized the boy reporter and therefore was a little on the pedophile side. We eventually talked to the employee about it, and we discussed what his age could be. We agreed that it was homoerotic, but until we figured out what Tintin's age was, I was convinced it was just wrong. I cannot find the picture online, and I don't care to share what the search results were. They are just sicker than this artist's intent on making the subject romanticized in a naked fashion.
Back at the house, it was a pretty lazy rest of the day. Besides a trip back out to get guitar and bass strings, I cannot really think of too much else that we did. I sat around with Alex while he cleaned and restrung a guitar discussing why I got into playing bass. The reality is that I began playing it because I perceived bass players as shy. Correlation was quickly realized. Also, guitar just feels overdone. 
It is amazing how much sensory skills came back to me immediately following my hands landing on the bass. I was playing every riff that I could. It was one of the odd few things that I missed having around. Alex promises that we'll jam eventually, so I am excited to see what happens with that. 
The night ended with Alex and I going up to his room to Skype with family. The only problem is that his connection to his TV resulted in a misfire. We could see ourselves on the TV and the family on the smaller screen. It was somewhat of a nuisance, as I didn't want to look at myself for the duration of the conversation.
Still, Alex took the grunt work, acting very silly and presenting jokes after jokes. Somehow that conversation lasted three hours. In some ways, it was great seeing the family again, even though it got to the point where it felt like it was a game of "No, you hang up first" with Anna. I got to see the cats and even find out more about the Golden Globes and how repair to my car was going. It is weird, but my dad has been more successful in actually doing things when I'm not around. I'll give him the benefit of free reign of the car, but still, it is funny that he finally found time when I am not there. 
The one surprise was that I wasn't hounded with questions. I expected "how was this?" It was odd that more effort was put into me finding out how the Golden Globes went than me discussing my trip at any great length of detail. I tried to, but it just felt like nobody cared to know. That didn't bother me, but you expect that in the precious time that you have in direct contact with people that they would be somewhat overbearing about some things. In bluntest terms, everyone is doing great, and apparently I am going to be in top shape when I get back.
I killed the night in my room listening to the Auteurcast on Alien 3 and trying not to fall asleep. However, I succeeded on one front. I was finally going to bed at a normal hour. Yes, midnight feels more appropriate than 9:30 PM. Here's to hoping that I have officially found the short cut to the sleeping problems and will be on easy street from here on out.
And now, for my obligatory Sundance from Britain report. Ellen Page is there promoting Touchy Feely and I dislike myself for missing it. I have seen pictures on Tumblr, and I am thinking that she is looking better than she has in a few years. Not saying anything, but she did look a little sick last year. Still.. you cannot help but feel like you could have been in the same room as Page, thus meeting one of my dreams. I'll probably see more when the East starts getting covered. However, good reviews so far, so I am excited for that film. Also, if anyone has any hook ups to more Sundance coverage, please share. I am too fascinated and want to discover more, more, more.
Also, from what I have heard, Joseph Gordon Levitt's Don Jon's Addiction is a little bit of a disappointment. I was excited to see it succeed, but I am finding that misogyny is ruining a fair share of interesting projects. Besides JGL's film, it ruined A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III (which has been posted on CinemaBeach). It bums me out that JGL's directorial debut isn't quite up to snuff, but Katey Rich assures me that the direction is pretty good, so I think we're looking at a talented young fellow, like, say, Ben Affleck.
So, it is snowing here and we're about to walk around town and look at everything. Also, I PROMISE you that pictures will be posted within an hour after this post. No lies. I will attempt to publish them by dates, but train stations sometimes blur together. So yeah, another snow day to enjoy a nice lazy weekend with Viv, Chris, and Alex. I do fear about next week, as the BBC News revealed that over 115 flights were delayed because of conditions. In a sense, I am contempt with the weather fucking with the program, as it is something you don't get in busy Los Angeles. Slowing down is a nice change of pace. 

QUESTION: What is a slip stream?

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